
This document give a brief overview over the system configuration items. You find those settings in the files in the <configfir>/config.d/system directory.


Configure the settings for the database layer. You need at least a configuration for the main database. It is possible to provide a seperate database for logging purposes, just copy the complete block from system.database.main to system.database.logging and adjust as required. If you don’t configure a logging database, the main database is used.

The general configuration block looks like:

    type: supported driver name
    name: name of the database
    host: host
    port: port
    user: database user
    passwd: database credential
    namespace: namespace (to be used with oracle)
        db_driver_env_key: value
        LongReadLen: 10000000

OpenXPKI supports MariaDB (MySQL), PostgreSQL and Oracle. The namespace parameter is used only by the Oracle driver. Options given to driver are passed to DBI as extra parameters.

Check perldoc OpenXPKI::Server::Database::Driver::<type> for more info on the parameters.

The recommended driver is MariaDB2 which uses the perl MariaDB driver module while MariaDB internally uses the old mysql driver of perl. Depending on the OS and perl version used this might just be an alias but we have also seen very strange issues here. Note: It looks like the DBD::MariaDB module shipped with bookworm has an issue with reference counters leading to very messy log output and might also have implications on security or system stability - we therefore recommend to stick with the MariaDB module in combination with the old libdbd-mysql-perl driver.


Settings about filesystem, daemon and services to start. Located at system.server

os related stuff

i18n locale settings:

    locale_directory: path to the gettext locales on your system
    default_language: supported locale (e.g. en_US.utf8)

Location of the locale files and the default language used. If you set another language than C, make sure you have the correct po-files installed, otherwise OpenXPKI won’t even start! This usually only affects logging and system messages as most of the client related output uses the locale settings from the client session. We recommend using C as default.

daemon settings

Those settings determine the properties of the OpenXPKI daemon openxpkid.:

name:          label for your process list, useful if you are running multiple servers.
user:          Unix user to run as (numeric or name)
group:         Group to run as (numeric or name)

socket_file:   Location of the communication socket.
pid_file:      Location of the pid file.
    key: value

log4perl:      path to your Log4perl configuration file (the primary system logger).
stderr:        File to redirect stderr to after dettaching from console.
tmpdir:        Location for temporary files, writable by the daemon.

    directory: Directory to store the session information.
    lifetime:  Lifetime of the sessions on the server side.

The socket, pidfile and stderr are created during startup while running as root. The directory must exist, be writeable by root and accessible by the user the daemon runs as. The tmpdir must be writable by the daemon user, it can be a ramfs but can grow large in high volume environments.

system internals

    Simple: 1

The transport setting is reserved for future use, leave it untouched.

        enabled: 1
        timeout: 120

The service block lists all services to be enabled, the key is the name of the service, the enabled key is supported by all services, for all other parameters consult the concrete service documentation (perldoc OpenXPKI::Service::<ServiceName>).

multi-node support

shift: 8
    id: 0


TODO - this is not used yet

Server Type (Fork vs. PreFork)

The default is Fork which create a new child on every incoming connection, handles the current request and exits. The webui resuses the backend connection as long as the CGI wrapper is running but most of the other clients don’t and there require a new fork on every request.

To reuse existing childs you can set the server type to prefork which forkes of child process on server startup and reuses them for multiple connections. In server.yaml uncomment this block:

type: PreFork
  min_servers: 5
  min_spare_servers: 5
  max_servers: 25
  max_spare_servers: 10

The option is optional, if not provided the defaults of the Net::Server module are used.


The openxpkid daemon forks a watchdog process to take care of background processes. It is initialised with default settings, but you can provide your own values by setting them at system.watchdog.

# How to deal with exceptions
max_exception_threshhold: 10
interval_sleep_exception: 60
max_tries_hanging_workflows:  3

# Control the wait intervals
interval_wait_initial: 60
interval_loop_idle: 5
interval_loop_run: 1

# You should not change this unless you know what you are doing
max_instance_count: 1
disabled: 0

Please see perldoc OpenXPKI::Server::Watchdog for details.

Crypto layer (global)

Define several parameters for the basic crypto tools.

configuration of the default tokens

        backend: OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL
        api:     OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::API
        engine:  OpenSSL
        key_store: OPENXPKI

        # OpenSSL binary location
        shell: /usr/bin/openssl

        # OpenSSL binary call gets wrapped with this command
        wrapper: ''

        # random file to use for OpenSSL
        randfile: /var/openxpki/rand

        backend: OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::CreateJavaKeystore
        api: OpenXPKI::Crypto::Tool::CreateJavaKeystore::API

If you have non-standard file locations, you might want to change the OpenSSL relevant settings here, the wrapper allows you to provide the name of a wrapper command which is commonly necessary if you use hardware security modules or other special OpenSSL eninges for your crypto operations. See the section about using HSMs for more details.

Developer note: See OpenXPKI::Crypto::TokenManager::get_system_token

PKI Realms

The detailed settings of each realm are given in the specific realm configuration. To use a realm you need to specify and enable it at system.realms.

    label: This is just a verbose label for your CA

You should use only 7bit word characters and no spaces as name for the realm.