Certificate profiles¶
A certificate profile is the blueprint that determines all technical aspects of the certificate such as subject pattern, key usages and other extensions.
The internal name of the profile is the name of the node in the configuration layer. If you keep the sample structure each profile is in a single file in the profile directory, so the name of the profile is the name of the file.
You can add label and description to the profile, which is used for display purpose on the WebUI frontend only, it has no effect on the actual certificate.
The validity is usually defined by a relative time specification of the format +YYMMDDhhmmss, (e.g. +0006 for six month, see OpenXPKI::DateTime):
notafter: +0006
The actual value is determined at the moment the PKI really signs the request. You can also add a notbefore date, in this case the notafter date is calculated relative to notbefore:
notbefore: +000001
notafter: +0006
Above example will create a certificate with a notbefore 24 hours ahead of the time of issuance and ends 6 months + 1 day later.
It is also possible to give an absolute date as YYYYMMDDhhmmss.
Subject and Process Information¶
OpenXPKI can collect meta information based on the selected profile and has a templating engine to build subject and subject alternative name sections (SAN) from the input data in many different ways.
The input fields are summarized in three groups: subject, san and info:
- hostname
- hostname2
- port
- requestor_gname
- requestor_name
- requestor_email
- requestor_affiliation
- comment
Each section can hold any number of fields, each field is defined by a set of options:
id: hostname
placeholder: fully.qualified.example.com
type: freetext
preset: "[% CN.0.replace(':.*','') %]"
match: \A [A-Za-z\d\-\.]+ \z
width: 60
The definition can be placed in the node template inside the profile file or globally in the template directory.
To not break legacy configurations, the placeholder can be set using “default” as keyword. The tooltip is set to description if missing.
Field Definition¶
- id
the key used when this item is written into the workflow
- label
the label shown next to the input field
- description
description, shown as tooltip
- type
the type of the field, freetext or select
- option
list of options for the select field (used value is equal to the label)
- preset
in case a CSR is uploaded by the user, you can use parts of it to prefill the fields. Items from the subject can be referenced by the name of the component, items from the subject alternative name section are prefixed with the string SAN_, e.g. SAN_DNS. Note that all keys are uppercased and all items are arrays regardless of the number of items found!
There are several options for preprocessing the items.
First item of type CN:
preset: CN.0
All items of type OU (creates on field per item):
preset: OU.X
Use templating to extract left side of CN up to the first colon:
preset: "[% CN.0.replace(':.*','') %]"
Use templating to create a list of items, the pipe symbol is used as seperator:
preset: "[% FOREACH ou = OU %][% ou %]|[% END %]"
- match
a regex pattern that is applied to the user input for validation
- width
size of the field - not implemented yet, definition might change.
- placeholder
A text which is shown as placeholder in the input field (this value is NOT a default value for the field)
- renew
How to handle this field during a certificate renewal request. Can be one of:
keep: the field is set to the existing value and can not be changed preset: the field is set to the existing value but can be changed clear: the current value is unset
Subject Rendering¶
The full distinguished name and the Subject Alternative Name items are created using template toolkit rules from the information that have been collected from the input fields in the “subject” step:
dn: CN=[% hostname.lower %][% IF port AND port != 443 %]:[% port %][% END %],DC=Test Deployment,DC=OpenXPKI,DC=org
- "[% hostname.lower %]"
- "[% FOREACH entry = hostname2 %][% entry.lower %] | [% END %]"
The name of the variable it the one given as “id” in the field definition, all non empty values are available for DN and SAN rendering.
If you have provided an extra SAN section in the input fields definition, those are merged into the SAN part WITHOUT any parsing “as is”.
Key Parameters¶
OpenXPKI supports serverside key generation as well as PKCS10 upload. For both cases you can control what algorithms and parameters are allowed, even on a per profile basis. The default configuration has the key definition in the default.yaml file.
Basic definition of allowed key and encryption algorithms:
# Supported key algorithms (details need to be defined below!)
- rsa
- ec
- dsa
# Supported encryption algorithms (as taken by openssl)
- aes256
- _3des
- idea
# one of escrow, server, client, both
# escrow is not implemented in workflows, yet!
generate: both
For RSA and DSA, you need to define the allowed key sizes in bits:
- rsa:
- key_length:
Those values are used for the key generation dialog as well as for the validation of uploaded PKCS10 files. Values with an underscore are hidden from the UI.
For ECC, you need to specify the curve names:
- prime256v1
- secp384r1
- secp521r1
The possbile “named” curves are limited by the ones supported by Crypt::PKCS10 at the moment. For NIST P-192/256 you can use either the secpXXXr1 or primeXXXv1 alias.